Dai and Margaret’s visit to 10 Downing Street

Dai and Margaret outside the famous door

Dai and Margaret outside the famous door

As is now the tradition, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, hosted an event celebrating all things Welsh at 10 Downing Street on March 1st.

Among the guests were Calon Wen’s very own Dai Miles and Margaret Oakley.  “It was really quite a treat” said Margaret.  “No 10 is amazing, as you would expect.  Guests were greeted with drinks and the most amazing array of canapes all put together by the Welsh National culinary team…..looked and tasted wonderful.   The party got under way with a beautiful young harpist and Only Boys Aloud serenading the company”.

Dai in deep conversation with the PM

Dai in deep conversation with the PM

During the event David Cameron gave his St. David’s Day speech which was a message reflecting on everything that is special about Wales. He noted industry, beauty, creativity and sport as reasons which make Wales special and that “St David’s Day is a moment to celebrate a wonderful country and a great part of our United Kingdom.”

Calon Wen was one of three companies invited to showcase their products  along with Nomnom and Tan y Castell. However, there were about 150 invited guests including representatives from successful
Welsh businesses as well as  people from the world of sport and entertainment.

“It was wonderful to meet all these people and in particular those with a real interest in what we were doing ”like Simon Hart and Stephen Crabb our local AM and MP” said Margaret. “Jason Mohammed was also given a special thank you by Dai for re-tweeting one of our messages!”.

Margaret and Dai with Stephen Crabb MP

Margaret and Dai with Stephen Crabb MP

All in all, it sounds like that Dai and Margaret had a great time celebrating St. David’s Day at No 10 as well as taking the opportunity to fly the flag for Calon Wen.

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