Every Picture Tells A Story / Eich Stori Mewn llun


This was painted by Katie Moloney.  A friend of Heather Rogers she copied it from an image on the website.  What a great painting and a great idea.   If you live on a farm and  know someone who could paint a picture of your herd or any other aspect of life on your farm why not ask them to do the same so that we can add it to our on-line gallery.  Maybe, you can do one yourself!

Cafodd y llun hwn ei beintio gan Katie Moloney .  Yn ffrind i Heather Rogers, fe wnaeth Katie copïo fe o ddelwedd ar y wefan.  Mae’n ddarlun gwych ac yn syniad gwych.  Os ydych chi’n byw ar fferm ac yn  ‘nabod rhywun a allai greu darlun o’ch buches neu unrhyw agwedd arall ar eich gwaith bob dydd ar y fferm, beth am ofyn iddyn nhw wneud yr un peth ac yna gallwn ei arddangos yn ein oriel ar-lein. Efallai’n wir gallwch wneud un eich hun!

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Calon Wen New Butter Packaging is 100% Compostable – Including The Ink!

We are really excited to be able to announce that our delicious organic butter now comes to you lovingly wrapped in packaging that is 100% compostable. Why is being labelled compostable better than being labelled as biodegradable? Our Calon Wen butter packaging, like all compostable material is biodegradable, however not all biodegradable material is compostable.

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Dai and Margaret’s visit to 10 Downing Street

As is now the tradition, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, hosted an event celebrating all things Welsh at 10 Downing Street on March 1st. Among the guests were Calon Wen’s very own Dai Miles and Margaret Oakley.  “It was really quite a treat” said Margaret.  “No 10 is amazing, as you would expect.  Guests were

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New Additions to our Calon Wen Cheese Range!

We are very excited to introduce, some wonderful new additions to our Calon Wen Cheese Range…. Crumbly Caerffili & Preseli Blue! Coming soon to Calon Wen Direct!

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Calon Wen