10 Reasons To Choose Organic

Choosing organic is at the core of everything we do. Read below our 10 reasons to choose organic and how you can do your bit to save nature and our environment. 

10 reasons to choose organic- 

  • Organic farming is the only method of production that has legally binding commitments on animal welfare, land use & environmental protection.
  • Organic cattle must be able to graze when conditions allow & 60% of their diet must come from forage, i.e grass, hay & silage. 
  • Better for wildlife – no artificial chemical fertilisers, pesticides or herbicides are used on our land & we do not provide antibiotic feed additives for our livestock. Organic farming encourages greater diversity & increases pollinator populations. Being nature friendly is a key priority for us, which is why all Calon Wen farmers are participating in the Calon Gwenyn project, to help increase pollinator populations with support from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. 
  • We aim to nourish plants naturally, by building fertile soils. Farmers do this using clover and legumes to ‘fix nitrogen’ and boost soil health, as well as using compost, animal manure and green manures.
  • All farmers raise their animals to organic standards which means they must be raised naturally with no treatments other than antibiotics which are only used when they are sick.
  • Better for the environment– encouraging healthy soil rich in nutrients. Healthy soil stores more carbon.
  • Leading the way on sustainability
  • If Europe’s farmland all followed organic principles, agricultural emissions could drop by 40-50% by 2050.
  • Organic milk has more beneficial omega-3 fatty acid, Vitamin Ebeta-carotene, iron, lutein and zeaxanthin than non-organic milk.
  • UK organic milk has 68% higher levels of the essential fatty acid than non-organic milk. 

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Orchid and thistle

With the nice weather upon us – for a little while at least –  here are two pictures from Calon Wen meadows.  The first is an orchid found on Argoed Farm from Stuart Taylor.  The second is a Goldfinch on thistle sent in to us from Dave Edge at Cophouse Farm.  

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A tale for all romantics

A tale for all romantics February of course is the month where lovers celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. The Welsh can’t wait until February!   Dwynwen, the patron saint of Welsh lovers is celebrated on the 25th of January each year. Legend has it that she’d set her heart on marrying a handsome young man called Maelon

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Dai and Margaret’s visit to 10 Downing Street

As is now the tradition, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, hosted an event celebrating all things Welsh at 10 Downing Street on March 1st. Among the guests were Calon Wen’s very own Dai Miles and Margaret Oakley.  “It was really quite a treat” said Margaret.  “No 10 is amazing, as you would expect.  Guests were

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Calon Wen