Organic Welsh Cake Recipe

Welsh Cakes: A Delicious Treat Made with Calon Wen Organic Unsalted Butter

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Since the late 19th century, Welsh cakes have been cherished for their sweet flavour. If you’re looking for a tasty treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, look no further than Welsh cakes. These delightful treats are a traditional Welsh pastry that is typically made with butter, sugar, flour, and currants. And when it comes to making Welsh cakes, there’s no better butter to use than Calon Wen organic unsalted butter.

Calon Wen is a Welsh organic dairy cooperative that produces high-quality organic butter, milk and cheese. Their butter is free from any artificial additives, preservatives, or flavourings, making it a pure and natural choice for your Welsh cakes.

To make Welsh cakes with Calon Wen organic unsalted butter, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 4oz Calon Wen organic unsalted butter
  • 8oz Organic self-raising flour
  • 2oz Organic caster sugar
  • 1 or 2 Handfuls of Organic Sultanas
  • 1 or 2 large Organic eggs


  1. Start by sifting the flour into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Cut the Calon Wen organic unsalted butter into small cubes and rub it into the flour mixture until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the caster sugar and currants, and mix well.
  3. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl, and then add them to the flour mixture. Mix everything together until you have a soft, pliable dough.
  4. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of around 5mm.
  5. Cut out the Welsh cakes using a round cutter, and then transfer them to a hot, lightly greased griddle or frying pan.
  6. Cook the Welsh cakes for around 3-4 minutes on each side, or until they are golden brown and cooked through.
  7. Remove the Welsh cakes from the griddle or frying pan, and sprinkle them with a little caster sugar.
  8. Serve the Welsh cakes warm with a cup of tea or coffee.

And there you have it – delicious Welsh cakes made with Calon Wen organic unsalted butter. The butter gives the cakes a rich, buttery flavour and a light, fluffy texture, making them the perfect accompaniment to a hot drink on a cold day. So why not give this recipe a try and taste the difference that Calon Wen organic unsalted butter can make to your Welsh cakes.

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